No More Missed Calls & Lost Business
No More Lost Website Leads
No More Wasted Time for You & Your Staff
You don't have time. Your staff doesn't have time.
Kate Ai Employee takes calls 24 /7, day or night. She'll answer questions about your business, take messages, notify you, transfer calls, and book appointments. All the things you shouldn't be spending your time doing.
Your staff aren't sales people. They're busy, and not always able to respond instantly when a lead comes in. Kate Ai Employee can follow up immediately, answer their questions, qualify them, and book them for an appointment.
Your website is just like a tradeshow booth. Leaving either one unattended is a waste of time and money. With your website, however, people can stop by 24 hours a day. Kate Ai Employee engages every visitor on your website, gets their contact information and answers their questions, anytime day or night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
What Else Will Kate Do For Your Business
Kate Instantly Responds to Social Media DMs and Google Messages For You!
Let Kate turn online inquires into paying customers, clients, or patients. You can step in when you want to.
Kate Gets and Responds to Reviews from Your Patients, Clients, and Customers
Let Kate help build your online reputation- the single biggest factor consumers use to choose a business.
Kate Reaches Out to Your Existing Database And Books Them for Your Special Offer.
Let Kate automatically generate business from all your past customers, clients, or patients. It's like a license to print money.
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